This example service (with real details redacted) was selected as an illustration of a single general runbook covering a small (but v important!) collection of microservices.

I particularly like the clarity that their upstreams and downstreams are described (a diagram would enhance this, of course), and concise advice on responding to the various alerts (platform built-in and custom ones they’ve created).

I’ve deliberately left much of the alert detail in place to showcase some of the standard ones we’ve selected to provide to all services on our platform, regardless of what they do.

Service: Application-1

Team Details

Service Information

  • This stateless microservice returns html by transforming raw json data for the requested page. The service sits behind Service X and has two downstream dependencies:
    1. Content SaaS - A Content Management System (CMS) containing editorial data e.g. pages, templates, components etc.
    2. A.N.Other Service Z - containing product data

Service Endpoints

Deployment Endpoint URL

Service Clients

Client 1

Client 1 is … and depends on this service to … It is business critical.

Client 2

Client 2 is … and depends on this service to … It can tolerate downtime due to a cached copy of the data, but freshness becomes a concern after X minutes

Service Dependencies:


SERVICE_NAME depends on Content SaaS - a third party CMS for data about … Without it, this service cannot function

Service Z

SERVICE_NAME also depends on A.N.Other Service Z. It relies on this for any relevant product data for this content page. Without it, content is still returned, just missing this information

Active Alerts

Dashboard of Active Alerts - currently active alerts in Prometheus AlertManager for this service.

Service Monitoring

Metrics including CPU, Memory, Response codes and Latency are available in Grafana.

Links to some dashboards here

Service Monitoring - Dependencies

Links to some custom dashboards here for their dependencies

Service Logs

Links to saved queries in Kibana here

Diagnostic Tools

How to kill pods

Instructions on how to connect to the cluster and manually kill a faulty pod

Service Alerts

These sub-headings are linked to directly from the Alerts that go into the team’s Slack Channel / PagerDuty notification

MICROSERVICE_X microservice has all pods down

  • Name: services.application-1.ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X.all-pods-unavailable
  • Description: Triggers when all Kubernetes pods are unavailable for more than 5 minutes. Despite all pods being down if previous pods had served up the resource (e.g. a page) successfully, the response will keep getting served from the downstream cache for next 24 hours
  • Action: The Kubernetes cluster should automatically replace the unavailable pods. If symptoms persist, check deployment events with kubectl describe deployment ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X to see why Kubernetes is not been able to bring the pods up. If symptom persists, contact #team-x to investigate further
  • Impact: Medium

Pod restarting in a loop (Pod restart loop)

  • Name: platform.pod-restart-loop
  • Description: Triggers when a pod has restarted more than 1 times in the last 8m
  • Action: This event requires deeper analysis if not caused by Platform team doing some maintenance/upgrade work. If symptom persists, contact #team-x to investigate further
  • Impact: Low

Note: The downstream caching service running with only one or two pods has been tested without significantly impacting customer experience. Pages returned by the service are cached with 10 minutes TTL. Even when the cache TTL is expired, it will still serve the cached pages for next 24 hours, if it cannot successfully get a latest copy from MICROSERVICE_X.

5xx errors for ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X in application-1

  • Name: slo-application-1.ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X.5xx-errors
  • Description: Triggers when the percentage of 5xx errors have been over 0.05% of the total requests for over 2 minutes.
  • Action: If symptom persists, contact #team-x to investigate further
  • Impact: High

Prod zero traffic for MICROSERVICE_X in application-1

  • Name:
  • Description: Triggers when the service has not received any traffic for over 60m. No action needed if this is due to low traffic hours like 00:00 to 06:00.
  • Action: If symptom persists, contact #team-x to investigate further
  • Impact: Low

Content renderer service: Latency increase in response times

  • Name: services.application-1.ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X.high-latency
  • Description: Triggers when response time latency increases.
  • Action: Keep an eye on the usage since it could be due to heavy traffic spike or system warm up. If symptom persists, contact #team-x to investigate further
  • Impact: Low

Alerts for Dependencies

These alerts represent custom ones that this team have created to warn on issues with their dependencies. A strong indicator of good operability!

MICROSERVICE-X receiving 5xx errors from third-party-thing

  • Name: services.application-1.ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X.caas-5xx-errors
  • Alert: Triggers when service received 5xx errors from our SaaS provider. This error indicates that something is wrong with XXXX. Contact Team Y on #their-slack-channel to further investigate. Until it recovers, service will keep serving from its cache for next 24 hours
  • Action: If symptom persists, contact #their-slack-channel to investigate further
  • Impact: Medium

MICROSERVICE_X service receiving 5xx errors from Product API

  • Name: services.application-1.ENV_NAME-MICROSERVICE_X.product-variants-5xx-errors
  • Alert: Triggers when service received 5xx errors from the Product API. This error indicates that something is wrong with Service Z. Until the API recovers, Service A will keep serving from its cache for next 24 hours
  • Action: If symptom persists, contact #team-z to investigate further
  • Impact: Medium

Other Runbooks